
Tenders Register - click here

Gift Register

Name of Relevant Person Making the DisclosureDescription Of GiftName Of Person Who Made The GiftDate The Gift Was ReceivedEstimated Value Of The Gift At The Time It Was MadeNature Of The Relationship Between The Parties
Tralee Cable2 bottles of wineMoore Australia24/02/2023$60Business Relationship - door prize at Budget workshop
Tralee CableGift HamperSwoop14/12/2022$150Business Relationship - Christmas gift

In accordance with s5.89A which states
5.89A. Register of gifts
(1) A CEO is to keep a register of gifts.
(2) The register is to contain a record of the disclosures made under sections 5.87A and 5.87B..
(2A) The CEO must record a disclosure made under section 5.87A or 5.87B in the register within 10 days after the disclosure is made.
(2B) If a gift disclosed under section 5.87A or 5.87B is an excluded gift under section 5.62(1B)(a), the CEO must record in the register —
(a) the date of the approval referred to in section 5.62(1B)(a)(ii); and
(b) the reasons for that approval; and
(c) any prescribed information.
(3) The register is to be in the form that is prescribed (if any).
[(4) deleted]
(5) The CEO is to publish an up to date version of the register on the local government’s official website.
(5A) The version of the register published under subsection (5) must not, in the case of a disclosure about a gift made by an individual, include the address disclosed under section 5.87C(3)(b) and must instead include the town or suburb mentioned in the address.
(6) As soon as practicable after a person ceases to be a person who is required under section 5.87A or 5.87B to make a disclosure, the CEO is to remove from the register all records relating to that person.
(7) If records relating to a person are removed from the register under subsection (6), a copy of the records is, for a period of at least 5 years after the person ceases to be a person required under section 5.87A or 5.87B to make a disclosure —
(a) to be kept by the CEO; and
(b) to be made available for public inspection.

Disclosure of Interest

Type of MeetingDate of MeetingAgenda Item NumberItem TitleRelevant Party nameNature of Interest
Special Council Meeting11/9/202310.1Mt Magnet Cinema RebuildCEO T CableImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting10/25/202314.3.3Access for Essential Service Volunteers to GymCr J HomewoodFInancial
Ordinary Council Meeting10/25/202314.3.3Access for Essential Service Volunteers to GymCr J McGormanFInancial
Special Council Meeting8/30/202316.1Council Support for Security of Tenure Lot 400, Mount MagnetCr I BlackFinancial
Special Council Meeting8/4/202315.2Council Support for Security of Tenure Lot 400, Mount MagnetCr I BlackFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting7/26/202312.3.6RTC Building VariationsCr J McGormanFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting6/28/202312.3.5Unfit For Human Habitation NoticesCEO T CableImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting5/31/202317.2Footpath InstallationCEO T CableImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting3/29/202312.1.4Ramelius Community Benefit Fund ReportCEO T CableImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting3/29/202312.1.4Ramelius Community Benefit Fund ReportCr J HomewoodImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting3/29/202312.1.4Ramelius Community Benefit Fund ReportCr J McGormanImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting2/22/202317.1CEO Performance ReviewCEO T CableFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting2/22/202317.3Mount Magnet Pool Contract RenewalCr C KellyFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting11/30/202217.1Mount Magnet Australia Day Citizenship AwardsCr J HomewoodImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting10/26/202217.3Tender 202223-003 Open Air Cinema RestorationCr J McGormanFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting8/31/202212.4.6CEO Probation PeriodCEO T CableFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting7/27/202215.1.1Tender for RTC Building RestorationCr J McGormanFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting4/27/202219.4CEO KPIs – Confidential Item under section 5.23 2(a) of the Local Government ActCEO T CableFinancial
Ramelius Community Benefit Fund Committee2/10/20224.5Mt Magnet Race Club applicationFionna MunroImpartiality
Ramelius Community Benefit Fund Committee2/10/20224.5Mt Magnet Race Club applicationCatherine JonesImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting12/15/202114.4.2Demolition of Buildings Lots 222 and 223 Hepburn StreetCr J McGormanFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting11/24/202116.1Swimming Pool charges - Free entry to certain usersCr J McGormanFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting11/24/202119.1Citizenship AwardsCr J McGormanImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting8/25/202114.5.3Mount Magnet Swimming Pool HoursCr C KellyImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting6/23/202119.2Pool ContractCr C KellyFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting11/25/202114.3.2Non Compliance Health NoticeCr J McGormanImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting11/25/202019.2EOI 2020/21 Contract Project Works SupervisorCr J HomewoodFinancial
Ordinary Council Meeting10/28/202019.1Flood Damage Tender RequestCr J HomewoodImpartiality
Ordinary Council Meeting8/26/202014.4.4Ramelius Community Benefit Fund Application Mount Magnet Race ClubCr J McGormanImpartiality